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Welcome to zmtlabs

your ultimate image hosting solution. Effortlessly upload, store, and share your images with a single link. Whether you’re a professional or a casual user, our platform ensures fast, secure, and reliable hosting, so you can focus on what matters most. With zmtlabs.cloud, your images are always just a click away.

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API Documentation

Use the zmtlabs.cloud API to securely upload and share images. Below you'll find the key API endpoints and their usage.

Endpoint: Image Upload

Method: POST

URL: https://zmtlabs.cloud/image_hosting.php


  • Authorization: Your API key

Body Parameters:

  • image (file): The image file to be uploaded.

Response: Direct URL to the uploaded image:


Error Handling

The API provides the following error codes:

  • 403: Missing or invalid API key.
  • 400: Invalid request (e.g., no image provided).
  • 415: Unsupported file type.
  • 500: Internal server error (e.g., upload failed).

Make sure to handle these errors in your application.

Example Response

Successful Upload:


Error Response:

{"error": "Invalid API key"}

Need help integrating the API?

Contact our support team for assistance.